Workshop Keynote and Extension

We are happy to annouce that Celia Hodent - author of "The Gamer's Brain", GDC UX Summit Chair, and Ethical Games Founder will be our keynote for the workshop - we are all excited to hear Celia's talk and hope you can join us for this.

Furthermore to help you all join us at NHT we have decided to grant a 1 week extension to the workshop deadline for submissions - papers are now due 19th July 2024 AOE. An extra week for you all to share with us your work on narrative hypertext, mixed reality, ethics, and more.

Workshop Description

The Ethics of Mixed Reality Narrative Hypertext

This workshop aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum to bring together individuals from the humanities and technological communities to share work and discuss state-of-the-art research on narrative from both a technical and aesthetic perspective. It is part of the longest running workshop series at ACM Hypertext – running since 2011 – and has fostered numerous collaborations which have led to work published in the main conference as well as serving as an important discussion point for important issues facing the community. NHT has also worked hard in recent years to serve as a focus point for the wider narrative and hypertext community and through NHT’s sister workshop AIS at the ICIDS conference. The intention is for this workshop to act as a bridge to increase collaboration between the interactive narrative and hypertext research communities while bringing some of this research back to ACM Hypertext.

This year’s workshop aims to continue to consolidate the community by providing an open interdisciplinary forum of discussion on key issues facing the field. The theme for this year is "The Ethics of Mixed Reality Narrative Hypertext" and we particular encourage submissions from this area and will be including a keynote from an expert in this space and a debate on the ethics of work in this area. However, as the annual forum for broader research on Hypertext narrative we also welcome submissions that contribute to the wider conversation of our field - including (but not limited to):

  • Models of Narrative
  • Systems for the Presentation of Narratives
  • Adaptive and Personalised Narratives
  • Narrative Analysis
  • Narrative Generation
  • Social Media as Narrative
  • Interactive Fiction
  • Authorial support systems
  • e-Literature
  • Strange Hypertext
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration on narrative
  • Interaction and Narrative
  • Location-based Narratives
  • Narrative in Games
  • Transmedia
  • Mixed Reality Storytelling
  • The experience of writing Hypertext
  • Extended Reality Hypertext
  • Ethics of Narrative Hypertext
  • Mixed Reality Ethical Frameworks

Researchers and practitioners working with hypertext or narrative will be invited to attend this workshop. Participants will be asked to submit a short (between 2 and 5 pages ACM format) position paper on their current work. Authors of papers selected for presentation will be informed 3 weeks after the submission deadline. All the position papers of participants will be made available on the workshop website initially and later (if possible) through the ACM Digital Library.